Pro-life work at home

Not a scam!  No MLM, phone calls, or parties!  Legitimate pro-life work that moms can do FROM HOME!  For your free starter kit, send $29.95 to me, in a joke that is not so funny because I’m not actually going to use my real address.  Or click here for more info.

One comment

  1. Wonderful article. Very sensible.

    Life is so unpredictable and God takes us to surprising places. What we think we will do when our children are bigger is not always what takes place. When my children were little, I worked part time. Now they are a bit older I find myself at home, doing spiritual direction and developing a ministry involving leading prayer groups etc. Never saw that coming.

    The point about the value of good parenting is very important. The primary teachers of the faith for our children are us. We also need to be part of a strong community that prays and supports each other so that when we encounter people who need help, they get it from a community that is living out the gospel together.

    An important question is “what is God calling me to do now?” It is one we don’t ask enough. Whatever ideas I have God may have others (see above) Now might be the time to pray outside abortion clinics or it might be the time to pray at home and teach the children to pray. In the end we need to do what God calls me to now, not what I think I might be called to years down the line.

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