Prayer request for a marriage

My friend Hallie Lord asked us to pray for her friend, whose marriage is in serious trouble.  The friend has a blog which I’m not familiar with, but when I went to check it out, I was bowled over by this post, A Blanket Apology, which I know will speak to many of you guys in its heartbreaking humility.

The author, Kate, says in a post today:  “If you are moved to, please consider joining me in fasting and prayer for my marriage tomorrow, the last day of the novena I mentioned in my last post.”  She has given her husband until the end of January to decide whether he wants to reconcile with her and their children.

Here is the novena to Mary, Untier of Knots.  Let’s join Kate in saying the main prayer of the novena at least for this day.  Thank you!

Prayer to the Virgin Mary as Untier of KnotsHoly Mary, full of the presence of God, during your life
you accepted with great humility the holy will of the father
and the legacy of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, and evil
never dared to entangle you with its confusion. Since then
you have interceded for all of our difficulties as you did
at the wedding feast of Cana. With all simplicity and with
patience, you have given us an example of how to untangle
the knots in our complicated lives. By being our mother
forever you arrange and make clear the path that unites us
to Our Lord.

Holy Mary, Mother of God and ours, with your maternal heart,
untie the knots that upset our lives. We ask you to receive
into your hands (here mention your prayer request) and
deliver us from the chains and confusion that restrain us.
Blessed Virgin Mary, through your grace, your intercession
and by your example, deliver us from evil, and untie the
knots that keep us from being united to God. So that free
of all confusion and error, we may find him in all things,
keep him in our hearts, and serve him always in our
brothers and sisters. Mother of Good Counsel pray for us.


  1. Simcha, I will pray this for Kate and her family today. And also, thank you especially for the link to International Fraternity of the Virgin Mary Untier of Knots; for a variety of reasons, I really need this Novena in my life right now. Shared and appreciated…. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!!!

  2. I am certainly praying here in London! What a beautiful prayer and similar to the previous commenter, I really need it in my life at the moment for some very tangled knots too so thank you for the introduction to it and timing of this post.
    God bless you Simcha and I will keep Kate and her family in my prayers.

  3. Praying here in New Jersey too. This is so moving, the image of “untier” of knots. My Italian grandmother, who was born at the start of the 20th century, told me the tradition in her village was that before a girl was considered ready for marriage, she was given a ball of yarn full of knots. If she had the patience to untie those knots, she would be ready for the challenges of married life.

    I love to think of our Blessed Mother, present with us as we attempt to untie the knots in our lives.

  4. I love this novena! It is wonderful!

    I prayed this prayer for Kate and her family once already today and I will pray it again.

  5. I am saddened that her husband is such a knucklehead as to want to divorce anyone who thinks so deeply and expresses it so well. As a man, I am ashamed of him.

  6. I will be praying the novena all the way through for this family, and also for my own relationship. My boyfriend broke up with me on Tuesday after more than two years together and serious plans for marriage. I’m praying that it’s God’s will that we will be able to fix our relationship with His help, for healing in in both of our hearts, and for us to want what God wants for us. (Any extra prayers for us would be greatly appreciated!)

  7. Prayed for you and your children. We will be adding you to our daily Divine Mercy and Rosary prayers. Hugs to you tonight.

  8. Praying in Maryland, though I could not comment on Kate’s blog to say so. I too love the title Untier of Knots.

  9. Thank you everybody for your prayers! We are back on the road towards reconciliation – it will be a long road, I think, but thank God for opening our eyes to all that would be lost by divorce. We have beautiful children who deserve to grow surrounded by joy and love.

  10. Deo gratias! Will keep praying.

    Might you have the opportunity to join a Retrouvaille weekend? I have a friend who can’t say enough about how it turned her marriage around.

  11. Anne-Marie – I’d love to do a Retrouvaille weekend, though since we are still living very far apart (and not far along with reconciliation for either of us to be ready to up and move) we wouldn’t be able to do the follow up meetings, which I hear are important.

    Thank you for your prayers – we’ll need them!

  12. Thank you for including this prayer request for Kate. I did not know about the novena but Kate and her family (whom I know) are on my daily prayer list. Blessed be God. Sometimes the family of God feels quite small. 🙂

  13. 1.Please pray for all my intentions.Especially for the healing of my eyes,knee pain,diabetes.Pray to solve all my financial problems.Solve all difficulties in my career.Pray To find my life partner.

    Pray for special protection from my enemies,dangers,accidents and all kinds of sickness and evil spirits and powers of darkness.
    Also to get my share of my father’s property.

    2.Please pray for K.E Moidu and family and for his protection from all powers of darkness and enemies. By Mary Agnes


  15. Please pray for my husband Jeff who is a police officer. He has so much stress in his life. I really need my husband to have peace, joy and to talk to me about his problems or I may not be able to continue after 20 years. I am tired now. I need for my husband to also be an open husband to me so that I can help lead him to the Lord. I also ask for healing for his elbow before his 2nd surgery. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Mary his humble wife

  16. please pray for forgiveness of our family sins.please pray for my family good health ,protection and peace .please pray for me to healing from severe stomach problem.please pray for my marriage troubles and to get married a good life partner and good job for my family

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